Sunday 29 August 2021

Poem Collection

 We have been adding to our Poem Collection slides over this year. The idea was to have slides full of different poems around the world. It has been really fun learning the names of the different types of poems. What I would do next time is focus on one country and learn all the different types of poems in that country. Maybe you could try make your own poem collection slides.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Native Ruru Collage

This week we have been doing native bird collage. We did the collage on google drawings. You should try to do one. A challenge for me was finding a native bird. I wonder what your one will look like? 

Friday 26 March 2021

Worm castings for sale!

We have been working on a worm poo poster for enviro schools. Worm poo is very good for your plants We have a whole bathtub of vermicast. Vermicast is worm poo. We have our very own worm farm.         

Thursday 4 March 2021


Hello, this week we have been making our own poems. We were inspired by the poem writer so we wanted to give it a go. This is my poem.

Monday 1 March 2021



Kia ora my name is Blair and I live on a farm at Moanui. I go to Matawai School and I am a year 7 student. I love animals. I have six people in my family. Their names are: Rian, Hunter, Gorgia, Hazel, Nathan and me.

I am good at art. I enjoy writing. A challenge for me is my times tables.

Another challenge for me is My maths. My goal this year is to master all my times tables. Another goal of mine is to become better at writing.

I am looking forward to the room four bike ride. I am inspired by Kate, a sports leader who comes up with amazing games for our school. I am looking forward to sharing the Room four bike rides on my blog. I am trying to achieve conquering the large distance on my bike. I am also trying to achieve becoming better at ukulele with chord changes.