Monday 9 December 2019


Today I was learning to referencing an image.
I enjoyed learning facts about Lorde.
I found it challenging to find facts.
My digital learning object shows I can do a digital image search.
Next time I would change the person I have to do a poster about.

Monday 18 November 2019

Google voice search

Today I was learning to use Google Voice Search.
I enjoyed getting the voice search to understand me.
I found it challenging to voice search the right thing.
My digital learning object shows  I can use Google Voice Search, make a copy of it.
Next time I would change topic I'm searching about.

Friday 15 November 2019

Ag Day

Today I was learning to refresh my blog page.

I enjoyed waiting for Mr Knight to call out small dogs.
I found it challenging to stop Griff from growling at other dogs.
My digital learning object shows that I like taking pets to school on Ag day.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Wednesday 30 October 2019


Tuesday 22 October 2019

Real Or Fake

Today I was learning what Is real and what Is fake.
I enjoyed seeing if they were true or false.
I found it challenging to figger out if they were true or fuse.
My digital learning object shows that goats like hanging out at school

Friday 18 October 2019


Today I was learning to use bullet points.
I enjoyed finding out new facts.
I found it challenging to insert a picture.
My digital learning object shows I can insert images.
Next time I would change the animal.

I Am A Rugby Ball

Today I was learning about a rugby poem.
I enjoyed finding a rugby field on the explore tool.
I found it challenging to make it a poem.
My digital learning object show that I can write poems.
Next time I would change the picture.

Monday 14 October 2019


Today I was learning about what is media.
I enjoyed creating a chrome book.
I found it challenging to take a photo.
My digital learning object shows that everyone uses media every day.
Next time I would change the media that I'm using.

Friday 27 September 2019

Slow writing About Matariki

We are learning to do slow writing. First you have to choose a topic. Then you start your first sentise with a did you know sentise.

Did you know you plant to cellerbrate Matariki?
Up above in the sky the seven stars shine.
A close claster of seven starfishs.
Bright stars shining like a torch.
Planting medeim sized papery cloves of garlic.
Gently push the clove in.

Spicy garlic.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

The Horouta Voyage

This week some people came to school and told us a story called the Horouta. Here Is my writing.


Our reading group read a story about the Kon~Tiki. The raft was made with balsa logs that were very light. They lashed together nine balsa logs. Thor Heyadahl wanted to prove that people sailed from Lima, Peru to the Polynesian Islands in the past. Thor Heyadahl was the Captain of the raft. We decided to make our own Kon~Tiki. I don"t think mine would make it to the Polynesian Islands.

Monday 23 September 2019

Seeking Help

Today I learned how to solve a problem online.
I enjoyed Making the title.
I found it challenging to take a picture of myself.
My digital learning object shows that I can connect shapes with arrows.
Next time I would change the writing how to stop a problem online

Monday 16 September 2019


Today I was learning about netiquette.
I enjoyed making the shapes.
I found it challenging to get my charcter.
My digital learning object shows what you can put online and what you can't.

Next time I would change background.

Friday 13 September 2019

Observing And Gathering Data

We have been learning about science. Our science project was to magnify and draw leaves. We used a jar of water to magnify the leaves. We collected five leaves and observed them .
I enjoyed learning measuring the lighth and the wighth.
I found it challenging to take a clear photo that you can see.
My digital learning object shows that I can put detail into an ordinary leaf.

Monday 2 September 2019

Moving Character

Today I was learning how to move a character around.

I enjoyed making the character fall in the horse boo.

I found it challenging to choose a background.

My digital learning object shows how to move a character around.

Next time I would change my character.

Monday 26 August 2019

Tim And Blair Cybersmart Character

Today I was learning to make a character and think of three cybersmart things.
I enjoyed making the thinking of three cybersmart messengers.
I found it challenging to make the background.
My digital learning object shows three safe cybersmart messengers.
Next time I would change the background.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Hunting Copetition

Yesterday we went to the hunting copetition. We had three days to shoot all the animals we needed. The animals are:magpies, possums, hares, pigs and deer.

Parents Vrs Kids

Yesterday we played soccer. We versed the parents. First the kids got a goal. Then the parents tried to get a goal but the goaly blocked the ball.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

The Sea

We have been learning about the sea. We have poem about the sea. We wrote a piece of writing about the sea. Here is my piece of writing .

Snow And Sleete

A couple of days ago it started sleeting then it stopped. After a while it started snowing. It snowed for five minutes. Then it stopped. I hopped that it would keep snowing so dad would not be able to go to work.

Monday 12 August 2019

The Great Fire Of London

This week we have been learning about the history. We are studying about historical events. The great fire of London is one of them. We had to choose a historical event and write a peace of writing to go with It. We also made some art to go with It. Here Is mine.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Good By Dental Clinic

Today it was the day the dental clinic was getting moved by a mighty digger. They had to have a giant chain. They had big tracks on the bottom of the building, to help it slide along the ground. Trees plants and many other things got destroyed. It took awhile for them to securer the chain.  First the dental clinic slide along slowly then started sliding really fast! The digger tugged and tugged and it slowly got to the place it needed to be.

Monday 29 July 2019

Winter Poem

today I was learning to record on screencastify.
I enjoyed listning to my recordings.
I found it challenging to make a prefect recording.
My digital learning object shows you can make long videos and short videos.
Next time I would change my voice and make it louder

Thursday 4 July 2019


We are reading words and phrases that we like from a you tube clip.

She’s after the tough rubbery leaves. She is ravenlisly hungry. She’s able to eat the tough 
rubbery oval shaped leaves. Sloths have to options, one is to do les or do lots.
Sloths try to do les. But its not qick.       


Yesterday we planted lots of garlic with our garden helper. First we weeded the grassy garden. Then we broke up the clumpy, hard soil with forks and shovels. After that we spread some lime on the smooth soil to help the garlic grow. You can plant garlic between April and August. You plant garlic 5cm deep. If you plant garlic in a sunny place it will produce more bulbs next year. Plant the cloves pointy side up. There is too ends, one end is the flat end and the other is the poky, pointy end. Break each bulb into cloves ~ keeping the papery skin on each clove.
 Warning: Don't eat garlic that has been treated.  


We are lerning about the seven stars of Matiriki. We each drawed them or did them on google  drawings.

Monday 1 July 2019

Book Report

Report On The Book:The Mad Tadpole Adventure
by Melanie Drewery  
The tadpole is amazing. She could do tricks. She started off all round and fish like then she got her two back legs.
One day Maddie saw a competition on tv. So she signed up.
She got her mum to drive her to the competition area. She waited and waited till it was her turn. She did one of her amazing tricks. 
I chose this book because I have pet tadpoles.

Monday 24 June 2019

Frosty Morning

Frosty Morning

Frozen water fountains with ice blocking the water.
Spider webs hanging down like fishing lines.
Leaves with ice coats growing on them.
A light layer of ice on the outside tables.
One bit of plastic was covered in a little layers of white ice.
Spider webs with condensation on them, like wet wool.
Puddles were frozen with thick layers of ice.
Plants had light ice on them.
One frozen sock that was left outside.
Lots of spider webs with condensation.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Plotagon with Tonui Collab

On Tuesday the 18th of June we got into pairs and made each other on Plotagon. We got to choose a back ground with water on it.Then we got our person and put it on the back ground. We got to choose where we put our person. It was fun when me and Lucy made each other.

Monday 17 June 2019


On the 14th of June, Friday night, we performed four ukulele songs at the War Memorial Theatre. We've been practising a lot and it's our first time on stage.
I felt nerves at first but was confident so I sang loud and i smiled at the end of the last song.

Monday 10 June 2019

2019 About me

Hi my name is Blair. I live with my mum and dad and my two brothers and my sister. I live on a 25 acre farm.

We have  milking cows and a bull with milking sheep and calves too. I am a year five student at Matawai School. I live at Motu. I love gardening as well.

I live close to the Matawai village. I love  playing soccer.  I like climbing tall trees with my friends.  We are moving to Moanui. I love exploring forests. I live close to  the swirling Motu River.
I am looking forward to the Queen's Birthday to celebrate her birthday. I am trying to work on doing my maths. My challenge is to get better at soccer.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends anywhere.