Friday 27 September 2019

Slow writing About Matariki

We are learning to do slow writing. First you have to choose a topic. Then you start your first sentise with a did you know sentise.

Did you know you plant to cellerbrate Matariki?
Up above in the sky the seven stars shine.
A close claster of seven starfishs.
Bright stars shining like a torch.
Planting medeim sized papery cloves of garlic.
Gently push the clove in.

Spicy garlic.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

The Horouta Voyage

This week some people came to school and told us a story called the Horouta. Here Is my writing.


Our reading group read a story about the Kon~Tiki. The raft was made with balsa logs that were very light. They lashed together nine balsa logs. Thor Heyadahl wanted to prove that people sailed from Lima, Peru to the Polynesian Islands in the past. Thor Heyadahl was the Captain of the raft. We decided to make our own Kon~Tiki. I don"t think mine would make it to the Polynesian Islands.

Monday 23 September 2019

Seeking Help

Today I learned how to solve a problem online.
I enjoyed Making the title.
I found it challenging to take a picture of myself.
My digital learning object shows that I can connect shapes with arrows.
Next time I would change the writing how to stop a problem online

Monday 16 September 2019


Today I was learning about netiquette.
I enjoyed making the shapes.
I found it challenging to get my charcter.
My digital learning object shows what you can put online and what you can't.

Next time I would change background.

Friday 13 September 2019

Observing And Gathering Data

We have been learning about science. Our science project was to magnify and draw leaves. We used a jar of water to magnify the leaves. We collected five leaves and observed them .
I enjoyed learning measuring the lighth and the wighth.
I found it challenging to take a clear photo that you can see.
My digital learning object shows that I can put detail into an ordinary leaf.

Monday 2 September 2019

Moving Character

Today I was learning how to move a character around.

I enjoyed making the character fall in the horse boo.

I found it challenging to choose a background.

My digital learning object shows how to move a character around.

Next time I would change my character.