Monday 24 June 2019

Frosty Morning

Frosty Morning

Frozen water fountains with ice blocking the water.
Spider webs hanging down like fishing lines.
Leaves with ice coats growing on them.
A light layer of ice on the outside tables.
One bit of plastic was covered in a little layers of white ice.
Spider webs with condensation on them, like wet wool.
Puddles were frozen with thick layers of ice.
Plants had light ice on them.
One frozen sock that was left outside.
Lots of spider webs with condensation.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Plotagon with Tonui Collab

On Tuesday the 18th of June we got into pairs and made each other on Plotagon. We got to choose a back ground with water on it.Then we got our person and put it on the back ground. We got to choose where we put our person. It was fun when me and Lucy made each other.

Monday 17 June 2019


On the 14th of June, Friday night, we performed four ukulele songs at the War Memorial Theatre. We've been practising a lot and it's our first time on stage.
I felt nerves at first but was confident so I sang loud and i smiled at the end of the last song.

Monday 10 June 2019

2019 About me

Hi my name is Blair. I live with my mum and dad and my two brothers and my sister. I live on a 25 acre farm.

We have  milking cows and a bull with milking sheep and calves too. I am a year five student at Matawai School. I live at Motu. I love gardening as well.

I live close to the Matawai village. I love  playing soccer.  I like climbing tall trees with my friends.  We are moving to Moanui. I love exploring forests. I live close to  the swirling Motu River.
I am looking forward to the Queen's Birthday to celebrate her birthday. I am trying to work on doing my maths. My challenge is to get better at soccer.